Jeudi 26 mai 2011

So good mulberry bags

So good mulberry bags

Mulberry bagsAny unit or individual in the future purchase of commercial prepaid cards, you need to with their true identity. Yesterday, the People's Bank of China State Council and other departments to forward "on regulating commercial prepaid card management advice " (hereinafter referred to as


Mulberry handbags"Opinion"), the use of prepaid cards for business conduct standards required to purchase 1 million or above one-time anonymous prepaid business Card units or individuals to register their real name. Analysis indicated that the use of prepaid cards in the business process, due to lax oversight, some of those who use their purchasing card purchase prepaid cards for tax avoidance or commercial bribery, the use of real-name system, the above acts would constitute a direct hit.


Mulberry outletYuan real name for prepaid cards "On regulating the management of the prepaid card business, " clearly, the next card purchase in the purchase of commercial prepaid cards, the need to manipulate real-name system. Commercial division for the purchase of prepaid cards, or one-time purchase of 1 million or above anonymous prepaid business unit or individual card issuers who need to carry out real-name registration card purchase. In addition, the "opinions"At the same clear, commercial prepaid cards will limit distribution, in which commercial prepaid card anonymous no more than nominal value of 1,000 yuan in face value of registered prepaid card business not more than 5000 yuan. Payment card purchase links for the "opinions" also said


mulberry bagsthat units amounting to one-time card purchase more than 5,000, or individual one-time card purchase 5 million or above the amount required to purchase by bank transfer, not cash, in the transfer card purchase Process, the card issuers want to transfer out into the account name, account number, amount and other information to register. It is understood that in the current market, the commercial prepaid cards can be divided into two categories: one issued by the franchisee card issuers, you can cross-regional, cross-sectoral, cross-corporate use; and those issued by commercial enterprises, only in the enterprise Or a chain of commercial enterprises to buy the same brand of goods, services, single-purpose prepaid card. Although the issue is not the same way, but in accordance with the purpose to determine, to some extent, a number of commercial prepaid card to play the role of currency in circulation.

Par lakeni - 0 commentaire(s)le 26 mai 2011

How to choice a good monster headphones?

How to choice a good monster headphones?

monster headphonesBEIJING, May 26 Yichang, Xinhua (Shangguan pure blue look for the letter) at 10:00 on May 26, the Three Gorges inflow is 9,400 cubic meters / second, a library flow rate of 11,700 cubic meters / second, the water level rose to Yichang to Hong Kong 42.09 m, 40.85 m over low water level,


monster beatsinto the water, out of Yichang Port River heavy load shedding base ship emergency declaration "ending. " Sichuan, Hubei Yichang Port is the throat, the dividing line in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, is the only access to the ship out of Sichuan, Yangtze River channel maintenance


beats by dr dredry season minimum depth of only 2.7 meters, the middle reaches shallow areas to ensure navigation safety, reproduced in al-Qaeda in Yichang Port Barge 8 Taiwan, crane, day and night, the implementation of transfer operations in the dry season, from November 8, 2010 start barging reproduced so far, the base ship a total of 1457 successful lightering vessels, cargo transfer 1.49 million tons, has not occurred due to load shedding is not in place Air resistance and impact caused by shipping incidents, protection of the dry season, shallow areas of the Yangtze

 monster headphonesRiver flow navigation. According to the actual maintenance of the Yangtze River Waterway scale information circular (May 24 to 30), Yichang floor to Chenglingji maintain the following Riverside has reached 3.8 meters water depth, 3,000-ton cargo ship has been no load shedding may be directly through the Yangtze River. Maritime sector to remind the Yangtze River, the River overloaded when more than 3.8 m draft vessels still need to apply for barge load shedding, the water level near the Yangtze River last year, still generally low, make a reasonable ship loading, leave enough surplus water depth, the correct choice of route, beware of stranded , rocks and other dangerous incidents occurred.
Par lakeni - 0 commentaire(s)le 26 mai 2011
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